After working for
nearly 15 years on behalf of support of the right of Americans to purchase
safe, affordable prescription brand name medicines from licensed registered
pharmacies in Tier One countries, I am not usually shocked by the tactics of
Pharma and its supporters to discredit the safety and efficacy of personal importation.
But, I did suffer what the old Baptist
Preacher once referred to as ‘Righteous Indignation’ when I read a blog in The Hill by Sally C.
Pipes with her blog “Drug importation is a dangerous idea that won’t die”
Why? It was
one of the worst examples I have witnessed of a complete disregard for facts,
and insulting the intelligence of the American public.
Her claims about
safety of personal importation and the risks to Americans were not supported
except by the old canards of Pharma.
And, the rank
misstatements about the costs of medications in this country were
ludicrous...she said, believe it or not, prescription drug costs are not major
drivers of health care costs nor are they increasing, completely ignoring that
they are indeed exceeding the rate of inflation and spiking to costs that
threaten to decimate health care systems around the country.
But then I did
some googling...and discovered that Ms. Pipes, who is president, CEO and Taube Fellow in Health Care studies at the Pacific Research Insititute is just doesn’t get it, likely the
residue of exposure to the outlandish claims of Mayor Guiliani, for whom she
served as one of his four health care advisors in his bid for the Republican
nomination for president in 2008. While
he will also be remembered as America’s Mayor of his efforts after 9-11, he
also had some fatal flaws, including believing
personal importation to be a terrorist threat. While Ms. Pipes does not go that far, her
claims of personal importation being a ‘dangerous threat’ to the health and
well-being of Americans is up there with Mayor Guiliani’s claims of
terrorism. There is no there there.
With that in mind,
I began to look at the Blog as an opportunity for a point-by-point rebuttal of
her claims. The ‘dialogue’ follows, with
her comments followed by a response to set the record straight:
The Claim: “A federal judge just struck down a program
in Maine allowing state residents to import prescription drugs from foreign
countries. The reason: it’s against federal law...”
The facts: Either a total misreading of the ruling or a
blatant misstatement of facts. The ruling had nothing to do with the legality
of personal importation. What the Judge
dealt with was the question of Federal Supremacy. She decided that while the
state lacked the authority to act, it is clearly within the right and intent of
Congress to address legislation to allow personal importation if it chooses to
do so. She (the judge) also noted that Congress has acted in such a manner many
times with passage of bills in support of personal importation that were not
fully implemented because of failure of ‘certification’ actions by the
executive branch. Ms. Pipes also fails
to note that existing law allows the importation of medical devices and
medicines that are ‘unavailable’ in the US...simply put, a medicine that is
unaffordable is unavailable. Significantly, the FDA has selectively allowed
90-day quantities of personally imported medicines for years.
Claim: “And more immediately, foreign
drugs pose a risk to Americans' health...”
The Facts: A complete falsehood. The judge’s decision did not include such a statement. This is simply the Mantra of Pharma. It also exhibits Ms. Pipes’ long-standing bias of adopting outlandish claims of Pharma. Virtually all prescription medicines sold in the U.S. are manufactured outside the U.S. We can all agree that the scourge of bogus websites claiming to be pharmacies and dispensing counterfeit medicines without a prescription form a doctor is a potential health threat. However, there is no record of a single death or health risk to Americans as a result of personally importing their medicines prescribed by their physician and ordered from licensed, registered pharmacies.
Claim: “For this reason nearly every Congress
since the Clinton administration has decided against legalizing drug
The Facts: Ms. Pipes would be well-advised to become
more conversant or at least be factual about American political history
regarding personal importation. There have
been several instances of staunch bi-partisan support of personal importation in
Congress, from such Congressional leaders as then-Congressman Rahm Emanuel
(D-Chicago) who later became Chief of Staff for President Obama before becoming
Mayor of Chicago; Senators Olympia Snowe (R-ME) and Byron Dorgan (D-ND) who
brought forth legislation that was approved on preliminary votes only to be
rendered ineffective by ‘certification’ requirements upon the Secretary of
Health and Human Services that were unprecedented and supported by Pharma
interests in Congress. But, perhaps most
significantly, the FDA has, as noted above, espoused a policy of not seeking
prosecution of individuals personally importing their medicines.
Claim: “But some in Congress are pushing to open up America's medicine cabinets
to foreign drugs. Indeed, Sens. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) and John McCain
(R-Ariz.) have repeatedly introduced legislation to allow the importation of drugs.
When Congress debates the nation's budget later this month, Klobuchar and
McCain could attach a drug-importation amendment. If they succeed, it will come
at a huge cost to American patients...”
Facts: Ms. Pipes not only misrepresents
the Judge’s decision in the Maine suit, but in her next breath, she would deny
American elected-officials the right to act in the very manner prescribed by
the Judge—i.e., Congressional action. Since her stance is un-defendable she
resorts to a vague reference of an undefinable ‘cost’ to Americans. Actually, more than 55 million Americas today
are denied the health benefits of access to safe, affordable prescription medicines
simply because of paying the highest prices for prescription drug costs in the
industrialized world. Without an ability
to follow a regimen of vital prescribed medicines, they incur real costs
detrimental to their financial and health well-being. This will adversely
affect their personal health later in life, likely contributing to diseases and
conditions that are inherently drivers of increased health care costs that could have been averted if access to vital
medicines had been available previously.
Interestingly, Ms. Pipes and her organization claim to be supportive of personal
responsibility and individual freedom in the marketplace. Is she aware that former Congressman
Ron Paul supported personal importation with a bill that said , ‘just do it.’
The Claim: “On the face of it, allowing
Americans to purchase prescription drugs from abroad is an appealing idea.
Thanks to price controls, drugs in my home country of Canada, if they are even
available on a formulary, often carry a lower price tag than their American
counterparts. In the UK, meanwhile, per capita prescription drug spending is
about half what it is in the United States...”
The Facts: As Senator Berne Sanders said, ‘show me the
dead Canadians...’ The comment about if a drug is ‘even available’ on a
formulary is pandering by Ms. Pipes to those Americans who don’t truly
understand the breadth of the Canadian system and fear that it somehow might be
a threat to the U.S. Ms. Pipes makes an
almost painful concession that prescription medicines prices are indeed lower
in Canada than the U.S., and the same is true of the U.K. What she fails to note is that this is true
in virtually all the other industrialized Tier One Countries whose standards of
safety and efficacy meet or exceed those of the U.S., all the while offering prices
of as much as 60 to 80 percent less.
And, even for those in the U.S. who can ‘afford’ their medications, here’s a
report on how much they ‘overpay’: $1,268
for Overpriced Medications
According to Dean Baker, "government granted patent monopolies raise the price of prescription drugs by close to $270 billion a year compared to the free market price." This represents an astonishing annual cost of over $2,000 to an average American family. OECD figures on pharmaceutical expenditures reveal that Americans spend almost twice the OECD average on drugs, an additional $460 per capita. This translates to $1,268 per household.
According to Dean Baker, "government granted patent monopolies raise the price of prescription drugs by close to $270 billion a year compared to the free market price." This represents an astonishing annual cost of over $2,000 to an average American family. OECD figures on pharmaceutical expenditures reveal that Americans spend almost twice the OECD average on drugs, an additional $460 per capita. This translates to $1,268 per household.
Claim: “While importing prescription
drugs might save American patients money in the short-term, it comes with
enormous long-term costs. For one, it cuts off the research funding that drug
laboratories need to develop the next generation of treatments. According to
researchers at Tufts, it takes drug companies roughly $2.5 billion over the
course of a decade to bring just one new medicine to market...
of the reasons countries like Canada can impose price controls on their drugs
is that much of that multi-billion-dollar investment is made back in the
American market. A wave of drug importation would make pharmaceutical
investment far less attractive, choking off funding for the researchers who
work to develop the next generation of treatments for diseases like cancer and
The Facts: The implication is that Canada is able to
charge less because Americans pay more and this is necessary for R&D. This is the oft-disproven canard of Pharma and
is without any basis in fact, especially since U.S.taxpayers subsidize 56
percent of the R&D, which is done at the National Institute of Health
Take a look at the
R&D expenditures of Pharma as compared to the ‘marketing’ directly to
consumers, which is forbidden in Canada.

The drug industry’s
claim that R&D costs as much as $250 million for each new drug (including
failures) is highly misleading. The first thing pharmaceutical companies say
when they answer questions about the retail cost of drugs is that prescription
drugs cost a lot of money to get approved
by the FDA. That stems from the millions of dollars that get spent
developing the drugs for which they get a virtual monopoly.
That is why Pharma
spokespersons can make such outrageous claims such as “The drug companies have
to put a price on a medicine that reflects the cost of developing them,” as John Castellani, the CEO of PhRMA told 60
Minutes. Castellani blames insurance companies for making drugs
“artificially expensive” for patients.
In fact, the more
disturbing truth is that companies charge what they want in the U.S., and it’s what
many have described as “a profiteering paradise for them.”
the industry lobbying group, released a 2013 report showing that drug companies
spent an estimated $48.5 billion on R&D in 2012. The most current figures
they have (from the early 2000′s) show the cost of developing one drug is about
$1.2 billion. However, University of
Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey Health professor and policy expert Donald
W. Light challenged the notion that high drug prices are simply the cost of
doing business. He said the actual cost is less than $60 million once all the
padding is taken off since the estimate is based on only the most expensive
drugs with extensive clinical trials.
We agree with the
observation of industry observers that, as noted as long ago as a 2001 report
of Public Citizen, it defies logic that R&D investments are highly risky if
the industry is consistently so profitable and returns on investments are so
Drug industry
R&D is made less risky by the fact that only about 22 percent of the new
drugs brought to market in the last two decades were innovative drugs that
represented important therapeutic gains over existing drugs. Most were
"me-too" drugs, which often replicate existing successful drugs.
The Claim: “This
is especially true when you consider that prescription drugs aren't a major
driver of rising health expenditures. Between 2008 and 2012, prescription drugs
accounted for a mere 5 percent of the growth in U.S. health spending. Today,
retail prescription drugs account for only about 10 percent of overall U.S.
health spending -- a statistic that isn't expected to change in the next
The Facts: Ms. Pipes has insulted
the intelligence of the American people:
Consider these headlines:
UnitedHealth Bulks up for Prescription Drug Cost Battle; Generic drug prices skyrocket in past year - Chicago Tribune; Medicare Part D Prescription Drug lans Face Premium ...; Why Prescription Drug Prices Keep Rising Higher ...; Prescription drug prices are soaring – here's how to save ...; Skyrocketing drug costs stump insurers, Oregon lawmakers; Expensive Hepatitis C Medications Drive Prescription-Drug Spending; Soaring specialty drug prices leave patients seeking relief; The Single Worst Practice of the Drug Industry; US prescription spending increase in 2014 highest in ov...
UnitedHealth Bulks up for Prescription Drug Cost Battle; Generic drug prices skyrocket in past year - Chicago Tribune; Medicare Part D Prescription Drug lans Face Premium ...; Why Prescription Drug Prices Keep Rising Higher ...; Prescription drug prices are soaring – here's how to save ...; Skyrocketing drug costs stump insurers, Oregon lawmakers; Expensive Hepatitis C Medications Drive Prescription-Drug Spending; Soaring specialty drug prices leave patients seeking relief; The Single Worst Practice of the Drug Industry; US prescription spending increase in 2014 highest in ov...
The Claim: “None
of these concerns has dissuaded Klobuchar, who, together with McCain, has led
the fight to legalize drug importation. Twice last year, the two lawmakers
introduced legislation to let foreign medicines flow freely into the country...With
this latest attempt, Klobuchar and her allies may try to win over Senate
Republicans by portraying drug importation as a free-trade issue. But importing
price controls from foreign countries -- at the expense of both medical
innovation and patient safety -- bears little resemblance to free trade...”
The Facts: Saving the best for
last. One of my early experiences with
the way Pharma works is when I was able to arrange a luncheon for then-Governor
Tim Pawlenty (R-MN) after the Pfizer board meeting in St. Louis with Seniors
who personally imported their medicines .
The Governor was livid when he came into the luncheon, primarily over
comments by the then-Chairman of Pfizer Hank McKinnell in response to the
Governor’s call for an election-year ‘Prairie Fire’ to support personal impoartation.
Chairman McKinnell said that personal
importation really was like a Prairie Fire and that Pfizer was used to such
things happening about every three or four years, before they burn out as an
issue. But, most surprisingly, McKinnell
suggest that personal importation was really—are you ready Ms. Pipes—a free
trade issue. The point is that just as it charges what the traffic will bear,
Pharma also says what pleases it as any given time.
So it is not surprising that Ms. Pipes should dust off the old tired
defenses as she recites the Pharma litany.
She mistakenly believes, as did the Pfizer Chairman, that the American
people are not able to adequately make very real personal health decisions
based on intelligent considerations...and
that the Prairie Fire will go out again.
It is time for Congress to prove her and others wrong.